Criminal Investigator Training Courses

Each one of our courses is packed with the expert instuction, hands-on exercises and practical knowledge that any investigator can leverage on day one. Our instuctors are the best in their field and are ready to teach you the things that make a differnce in solving cases.

Strategic Law Enforcement Interviewing Course (SLIC)

3-day, “hands-on” course focusing on Lena Sisco’s methods for non-accusatory interviewing

SLIC is a 3-day, “hands-on” course focusing on Lena Sisco’s methods for non-accusatory interviewing. Attendees will receive instruction for:

  • Obtaining truthful information, motivations and intent, not just a confession
  • Effectively using advanced questioning techniques and elicitation
  • Creating a safe environment to gain trust and truthful information
  • Effectively using the “Don’t Tell, Ask” practice to avoid giving an interviewee a way out
  • Remaining objective, focused and emotionally controlled
  • Avoiding the misinformation effect and avoiding false confessions
  • Increasing awareness and observation skills;  to accurately read  body language

Accurately detecting and assessing verbal and nonverbal deceptive indicators and identifying behavioral in-congruence.

Being properly prepared and mentally alert are key factors when conducting effective interviews and interrogation and are essential with establishing rapport, use of questioning techniques and recognizing deceptive behavior. More than a series of lectures, attendees will actively participate and engage in numerous activities, to include; analyzing videos, conducting real-world elicitation on strangers, utilizing questioning techniques in classroom exercises, accurately reading body language in others and conducting statement analysis. Participants will gain valuable insight, learn and perfect techniques that may lead someone to the breaking point of telling the truth.

Southbury Ct. class approved for 18 hours of Continuing Education Credit through the CT. Office of Education Data Management

  • 04/02/2025 Tampa, Fl
  • 05/21/2025 Cumberland, RI
  • 06/03/2025 Tampa, Fl
  • 06/30/2025 Norwich, CT
  • 07/22/2025 Phenix City, Al
  • 08/26/2025 Hampton, VA
  • 10/06/2025 Tampa, Fl
  • 10/21/2025 Roanoke, Va
  • 11/04/2025 Chesterfield , Va
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Professional Standards & Internal Investigations

Take complaints through a proper, thorough investigation to determine the truth

Recently, police conduct and use of force has come under greater scrutiny by the public. Departments are receiving more complaints of police misconduct. This course helps Internal Investigators take complaints through a proper, thorough investigation to determine the truth.

This course will also cover several types of internal investigations including criminal, administrative, use of force, sexual harassment, and hostile work environments.

This course will benefit departmental leadership as well as IA investigators.

  • Leadership insights, ethics and lessons learned to impact, deter and deal with potential corruption.
  • Garrity vs New Jersey, 5th amendment
  • Compelled vs protected statements
  • Qualities of an internal investigator
  • Conducting Internal Investigations
  • Administrative and Criminal complaints
  • The Disciplinary Process
  • Use of Force Investigations
  • On duty and Off duty criminal investigations
  • Sexual Harassment investigations
  • Hostile work environment
  • Planning non accusatory interviews
  • Effective questioning techniques
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Fire Death / Arson Investigations & Prosecution

A fire death occurs every 3 hours in the US. This 2-day course focuses on the effects of fire on human remains, dual Fire/Police Investigation "team concept," essential court preparation to avoid critical mistakes in prosecution of these cases.

The feature speaker, Dr. Elayne Pope, will share her videos of burning human cadavers during her extensive research with the San Luis Obispo, California Fire Dept. 

This course will introduce attendees to the best practices of the "team concept" for collaboration with fire, law enforcement, and the Medical Examiners Office to ensure the most accurate and thorough investigations.

Even the most thorough and best performed investigations can fall short if investigators are not equipped with what's needed to successfully prosecute the case. Court preparation is essential to fire-related death cases.

Covered Topics:

  • Effects of Fire on Human Remains
  • Burn Patterns to the Human Body 
  • Exposing Pre-existing Trauma
  • Effects of Accelerants
  • Structure and Vehicular Fires
  • Excavation of Fire Scenes   
  • Dual Fire Death/Arson Homicide Investigations
  • The “Team Concept” in Fire Death/Arson Investigations
  • Common Mistakes in Fire Death/Arson Case Prosecutions
  • The Importance of Thorough Trial Preparation
  • Working in Cooperation with Medical Examiner’s Office
  • Current Medical Examiner’s Office Autopsy Procedures

The Bound Brook NJ class price includes, light breakfast and catered lunch. Recommended Hotel, Fairfield on Davidson Ave. in Somerset. Airport would be Newark, NJ.

  • 04/15/2025 Lincoln, RI
  • 06/03/2025 Daytona Beach, Fl
  • 08/21/2025 Charleston, SC
  • 09/15/2025 Fredericksburg, Va
  • 11/12/2025 Glendale, Az
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Criminal Investigations for Patrol Officers and New Detectives

3 day course designed to assist with learning the fundamental basics of criminal investigations

This 3 day course is designed to assist with learning the fundamentals of criminal investigation. Topics include how to assess a crime scene, evaluate and determine the type of crime committed, as well as methods to use to conduct a thorough investigation. Proven techniques for the handling of evidence, writing and securing search warrants, identifying suspects and eliciting true confessions will be covered. The practical exercises conducted will assist attendees in building confidence in their ability, as well as instruct them on how to prepare for a successful criminal case prosecution.

The training is designed for Patrol Officers, New and Seasoned Investigators, Field Training Officers, Crime Scene Personnel and Supervisors


  • Initial Response to Crime Scenes
  • Crime scene supervision 
  • Initial Scene Interviews to Formal Interrogations
  • Natural & Undetermined Deaths
  • Search Warrants
  • Use of Social Media as Investigative Tool
  • Virginia Beach Mass Shooting
  • Show-ups and Line-ups
  • Note-taking and Court Preparation
  • Legal Rights and 4th Amendment Issues
  • Working with the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
  • Learn the most common mistakes investigators make during cross exam
  • Brady v Maryland and Giglio v. U.S.
  • 3rd day of Tampa class will be Strategic Law Enforcement Interview & Interrogation by Lena Sisco
  • 05/19/2025 Chesterfield , Va
  • 08/13/2025 Tampa, Fl
  • 09/22/2025 Portsmouth, Va
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Death Investigations and Scene Analysis

Enhance investigators' ability to recognize and understand various causes and manners of death.

Investigating deaths can be very complex and demanding on departmental resources.  Every death investigation, no matter the cause, deserves a complete and thorough investigation. The focus of this course is to enhance investigators' ability to recognize and understand various causes and manners of death as well as to develop the skill set to execute a thorough investigation and collaborate with the Medical Examiner's Office.

Investigative Concepts, LLC. takes pride in designing each course with leading edge, accurate, and current information, bringing it to you by securing the most experienced, dynamic instructors, and is sure to take investigators' investigative capabilities to the next level. The speakers in this course share more than 125 years of personal experience in the field of death investigations. 


  • Initial Response to the Crime Scene (Mass Fatality)
  • Stages of decomposition and time of death
  • Identifying Natural vs Undetermined Deaths
  • Infant Death Investigations & Doll Scene Re-enactments
  • No-body Homicide Investigations and Prosecutions
  • Working with the Medical Examiner's Office
  • Disputed Suicide Investigations
  • Case Preparation, Courtroom Testimony, Protecting Witnesses, Legal Updates and Working with the Prosecutor.
  • Cold Case Investigations
  • Accidental & Industrial Deaths
  • In Custody Deaths
  • Virginia Beach Mass shooting and Virginia Tech Mass Shooting
  • ***Hillsborough Class 4th day Strategic Law Enforcement Interview Course (1 day)
  • 06/23/2025 Hampton, Va
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Sexual Assault & Special Victims Investigations

Examine numerous types of interpersonal violence such as sexual assaults, intimate partner violence, child abuse, jail and prison sexual offenses, and infant deaths

Sexual assault and special victim’s investigations require investigators to ensure survivors are treated with compassion and respect while navigating the Criminal Justice System and developing strong cases to prosecute the wide range of offenders.

This course will examine numerous types of interpersonal violence such as sexual assaults, intimate partner violence, child abuse, jail and prison sexual offenses, and infant deaths. It will also identify the kinds of offenders that commit these types of crimes.

Crime scenes and evidence recovery will be discussed along with conducting non-accusatory interviews. An expert in the field of detecting verbal and non-verbal deceptive behavior will help students conduct accurate and informative interviews.


  • Initial Response to Scene (Victims & Suspects)
  • Forensic Response & Evidence Recovery
  • Type of Offenders, Domestic Sexual Assaults
  • P.R.E.A
  • Sexual Assaults on Elderly
  • Child Abuse cases
  • C.P.S. Referrals
  • Police-Involved Investigations
  • Cold Case Rapes
  • Infant Deaths & Re-enactments
  • Pediatric Anatomy
  • Adult Sexual Assaults
  • Forensic Interviews
  • Profiling Offenders & Victimology
  • Human Trafficking
  • 07/21/2025 Chesterfield , Va
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Advanced Death Investigation

Take a deep dive into some of the more complex investigations, what sets them apart, and how to solve them


Course Description

After a period of decline, alarming reports of  spikes in homicides and other violent crime are daily front- page news in cities across America. 

This course will take homicide investigations to the next level, through a series of more advanced, unusual, or rare homicides. Attendees will learn advanced  techniques, insight, and advice for thorough investigations without duplicating mistakes.  A seasoned prosecutor will share the essential elements to “maximize” the chances of a successful prosecution and avoid critical mistakes. 

Retired Chief Medical Examiner for the State of  Virginia, Dr. Leah Bush, will share key information and her experiences performing autopsies and evidence recovery in gunshot and sex-related homicides. 

A State Police profiler will take attendees through the criminal’s mindset and discuss the victimology of victims. No-body homicides present a huge challenge for even the best investigator. An investigator will share how he has successfully solved and prosecuted several no-body homicides. 

Mass Fatalities may be rare but require sophisticated, immediate, advanced-level investigation skills including critical scene work. Attendees will hear from an investigator tasked with managing several of Virginia’s worst mass fatalities. 

Law enforcement professionals deal with the worst of society and witness the aftermath of devastating violent crime daily; and it takes a toll. The founder of Survival Mindset Training & Consulting shares his story and advice to manage a long, healthy career.

  • Virginia Beach Mass Shooting
  • False Confessions - "The Norfolk Four"
  • Behavioral aspects of Violent Crime Profiling, Victimology, Reconstruction and Targeting 
  • Cold Case Investigations and No-Body Homicide Investigation and Prosecution
  • Disputed Suicides
  • FIGG cases - Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy
  • Trauma, Resiliency and Self-care
  • Prosecution Considerations & Strategies-Maximize your Murder case in court
  • Unusual Death Investigations/Presentations
  • Gunshot Wound Identification
  • Sex Related Homicides
  • Multiple-case Presentations
  • 10/27/2025 Chesterfield , Va
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Vice & Narcotics Investigations

Three-day examining several key factors Vice and Narcotics detectives face during routine investigations

This three-day course will carefully examine several key factors Vice and Narcotics detectives face during routine investigations. 

  • The key elements of development, management and proficient handling of informants are essential to avoiding potential legal exposure.
  • Human trafficking and prostitution are on the rise in Virginia. Understanding the intricate operations of these organizations, identifying possible nefarious crimes, and methods and techniques to prepare for and combat them will be addressed.
  • Asian Massage Parlors have increased in numbers in areas of Virginia. Learn more about them, what potential criminal issues surround many of them and learn how these seemingly benign, but often criminal, businesses are being investigated and prosecuted successfully.
  • During this course, several in-depth, case study presentations will be delivered.
  • Special Agent, Jeremy Scheetz, will discuss the impact of outlaw motorcycle gangs on drug trafficking in Virginia.
  • Surveillance Techniques 
  • Prosecution of OD deaths
  • Medical Examiner's procedures and toxicology request
  • Uncover operations dealing with narcotics, guns, and murder for hire
  • Legal updates pertaining to narcotics cases and 4th amendment
  • Special presentation of the Branch Davidian Raid in Waco Texas and a presentation of working undercover in the streets of New Orleans by former ATF agent Charlie Smith who served as the SA in charge of the Dallas and Seattle Field Offices.

Hillsborough Co. Topics Include:

Victor Avila, author of : "Agent Under Fire" retired ICE Special Agent talks about his interaction with the Mexican Cartel that lead to he and his partner being ambushed.

Barry Kilpela, Montana Hwy Patrol , Highway Interdiction Team.

Cameron Pavlicek, Yellowstone Narcotics, Undercover Social Media

  • 07/08/2025 Portsmouth, VA
  • 10/06/2025 Weyers Cave, Va
  • 11/18/2025 Tampa, Fl
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Safety & Situational Awareness for Patrol Officers

Preparing LEO's to be better prepared and remain cognizant when faced with dangerous situations in the execution of routine duties. Situational Awareness is critical when facing a myriad of potentially dangerous incidents.

Most people believe the possibility of being shot is the most significant danger law enforcement officers face daily. Data shows today’s law enforcement officers face a myriad of potentially dangerous outcomes during a typical shift.

Training and education helps officers be better prepared when faced with dangerous situations in the execution of routine duties. This course addresses the importance of a heightened sense of awareness of officers’ surroundings, recognizing unusual behaviors and effective communication methods to de-escalate hostile situations for improved outcomes. This course will also cover additional topics and resources to aid law enforcement officers in modern day, potentially dangerous, investigations.

This course is recommended for: Patrol Officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, Patrol Supervisors, SRO’s, FTO’s and CRO’s.

Topics Covered

  • Initial Response to Crime Scene
  • Gangs in the Neighborhood
  • Responding and Dealing with Mental Health Issues
  • Identification and Handling of Dangerous Narcotics
  • Body Language Awareness
  • Verbal & Non-Verbal Indicators of Deception
  • Non-Accusatory Interviews
  • De-escalation Techniques for Law Enforcement
  • Documenting Observations & Actions Accurately in Reports
  • Behavioral & Psychological Indicators of School Shooters
  • Mass Violence and Threat Assessments.
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Infant Death, Child Abuse & Neglect

Recognize signs of physical, mental and/or sexual abuse of children

This one day infant death investigations course focuses on recognizing signs of physical, mental and/or sexual abuse of children. It offers comprehensive actionable procedures to conduct complete investigation leading to successful prosecution when necessary.  This course is designed for personnel assigned to investigate crimes involving juvenile special victims and other violent crimes as well as Family Service Investigators and those responsible for prosecuting infant death and child abuse cases. 

This is an 8 hour course taught by veteran law enforcement and medical professionals with extensive experience in the field of Child abuse, neglect and infant death

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Hostage/Crisis Negotiations

This 5-day course will address every aspect of effectively handling a hostage crisis and negotiations

Potential for violence is always present. All law enforcement agencies, large and small, will face and must be trained and prepared, to execute during a hostage crisis. This 5-day course will address every aspect of effectively handling a hostage crisis and negotiations.

Incidents involving barricaded subjects, hostage takers, or persons threatening suicide represent especially trying and stressful moments for law enforcement responding to them.

The skills of the hostage crisis negotiations team member has consistently proven to be law enforcement’s most risk-effective method to achieve the most successful outcome. Negotiation diffusing skills represent law enforcement’s most successful resource to resolve incidents without injury. This training is designed to equip  law enforcement with the necessary skills and techniques to successfully deescalate potential life and death situations.

Course Content

  • Hostage and non-hostage situations
  • assessing threats, duties and responsibilities
  • techniques of negotiations and interaction
  • active listening
  • learning "a new language"
  • surrender rituals
  • liability issues and much more.

* This course would also be beneficial to current hostage negotiators.

Note: This is not a certification class and includes tactics for applications other than face-to-face.

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Leadership Skills for Law Enforcement

Transformational leaders are able to clearly communicate the organization’s vision to the workforce to successfully direct the execution of its mission

Participants will learn techniques to equip them to become transformational leaders in law enforcement organizations. Transformational leaders are able to clearly communicate the organization’s vision to the workforce to successfully direct the execution of its mission. Leaders must demonstrate the ability to identify, and professionally address, emerging challenges, engage the workforce and learn to include staff in decision making and mission planning; fostering a team environment to grow and development professional subject matter experts and ultimately develop future leaders of an organization.

Participants will take a closer look at their own personality characteristics or innate, undeveloped leadership skills as well as for those for whom they interact personally and professionally; helping to promote trust and respect while encouraging motivation and success in the workplace.

During the 3 day training, Lena Sisco will deliver in-depth coverage of (3) three leadership models and styles, various climates they can create, how to provide effective feedback and how to overcome communication styles.  Partcipants will learn effective leadership through structured organizational changes, systemic conditions present in all organizations and methods to overcome communication barriers that often result in breakdown of partnerships - the key to successful leadership in any organization.

Participants will engage in thought-provoking exercises and test new techniques in a final capstone exercise where they will be required to identify real & current challenges, using skills and techniques outlined in this course and identify the necessary leadership skills to address and resolve emerging challenges in law enforcement organizations today.

  • 09/09/2025 Chesterfield, VA
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Mass Fatality - Active Shooter

Lear to assist with preparing first responders, management and other personnel how to effectively handle mass casualty scenes and/or an active threat situation

Active Shooter incidents are rapidly growing in localities across the United States. Is your department prepared? This course is designed to assist with preparing first responders, management and other personnel how to effectively handle mass casualty scenes and/or an active threat situation. It focuses on the initial response, methods for securing scenes, collection of, and processing, evidence, essential steps for establishing incident command locations and how to operationally manage critical incidents. Additionally, the course includes discussions on the use of mutual aid, family assistance support, establishing a communication plan for media and collaboration with departmental Public Information Officers. A Virginia State Profiler will share insight on what motivates those whom commit these acts of violence, together with shared characteristics of previous shooters. Learn first-hand, how quickly a “daily routine” can change outcomes by using the recent events of “east coast” active shooter cases. We’re happy to announce the addition of the compelling “Trauma Behind the Badge” presentation by a Nationally recognized speaker, who shares information on the psychological effects mass fatalities, such as Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Pulse Nightclub and the Virginia Beach mass shooting have on law enforcement officers and how to get help. 

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Hostage/Crisis Negotiations for Emergency Communication Officers

One day course designed for dispatchers who are thrown into a negotiator's role by telephone or other electronic means

This one day course is designed for dispatchers who are thrown into a negotiator's role by telephone or other electronic means. These basic tactics include the same techniques and training used by the International Association of Hostage Negotiators. This course is designed to provide basic knowledge and techniques used in crisis negotiations and crisis intervention.

Course Content

  • Hostage and non-hostage situations
  • assessing threats
  • duties and responsibilities
  • techniques of negotiations
  • techniques and interaction
  • active listening
  • learning "a new language"
  • surrender rituals,
  • liability issues and more.

*  This course would also be beneficial to current hostage negotiators.

Note: This is not a certification class and includes tactics for applications other than face-to-face.

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The Opioid Crisis; Death Investigation & Prosecution

Forensic experts will teach methods on how to properly recover these drugs and how to protect yourself against accidental exposures.

In recent years, the opioid crisis in America has become one of the worst epidemics facing Law Enforcement Officers. It has created a more dangerous work environment for officers and has led to thousands of deaths.

In 2016, there were over 1,400 opioid related drug overdose deaths in Virginia. The State Medical Examiner reported a 175% increase in deaths related to Fentanyl. Confirmed cases of Carfentanil and new synthetic opioid called U-47700 have appeared in Virginia. Carfentanil is 100 times more potent than Fentanyl.

Forensic experts will teach methods on how to properly recover these drugs and how to protect yourself against accidental exposures. A Forensic Pathologist will share critical information on how these drugs effect the human body and how they can cause one's death.

New approaches of combating this epidemic will be covered by a seasoned prosecutor in terms of preparing 2nd degree Felony Murder cases against dealers; and critical elements and evidence necessary to lead to convictions. An expert in the field of Cell phone Tracking and Analysis will share how this is key to effective prosecution. Learn how to properly present this evidence in court. 

Targeted Audience: Law Enforcement Officers, Homicide Detectives, Narcotics Detectives, Campus Police and Prosecutors.

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Frontline Supervisors Leadership Course

You're a Patrol Officer one day and the next you're a supervisor. Learn about critical communication techniques, ethics, decision making, community skills, performance appraisals, and discipline. Prepare yourself for the next step in your career, and learn how to avoid making mistakes that might lead to civil liability.

Staffing the right person in leadership positions and addressing a younger population of personnel transitioning into leadership roles can plague even the most prepared law enforcement agencies. This course will prepare Frontline Leaders with practical skills to manage staff in a changing society and equip leadership with the necessary skills to make effective, proactive  decisions that will ultimately benefit, protect and ensure retention of leadership for your organization.

Day 1

0745 – 0815     Registration and Introductions

0815 – 0915     Relationships, Emotional, Intelligence and Motivation

0915 - 1030      Equity/Fairness, Discipline, and Effective Communication

1030 - 1200      Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Emotional Response with                                                Transactional Interactions

1200 - 1300      Lunch (On Your Own)

1300 - 1430      Leadership Styles

1430 - 1530      Individual Differences/Generational Differences

1530 - 1600      Ethical Behavior of Leaders

Day 2

0800 – 0930     What makes a group/team?

0930 - 1200      Group structure/Roles, Tuckman

                       Group Socialization/Cohesion

1200 – 1300     Lunch (On Your Own)

1300 – 1530     Groupthink/Abilene Paradox

                       Social Exchange Theory

1500 - 1600     Intergroup Conflict Management

Day 3

0800 - 0930     Civil Liability

0930 - 1200     Brady v. Maryland, Giglio v. U.S.

                      Harassment & Discrimination

1200 - 1300    Lunch (On Your Own)

1300 - 1545   Crime Scene Mgmt & Leadership

1545 - 1600   Certificates, and Closing Remarks


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Forensics Seminar

Scene Analysis, Blood Stain, Body Recovery, Fire Deaths, Mass Fatality Scenes, Medical Examiner's Role, Court Preparation & Testimony

This course examines several areas of Forensic Work. It includes 6 hours of IAI approved  training by Heidi Sievers, expert blood stain analyst.

Dr. Elayne Pope, recognized research and expert in Fatal Fire Forensics shares her research on how the human body burns. She also covers fire scene excavation and remains recovery.

Retired Deputy Commonwealth Attorney Phil Evans shares essential court preparation, legal issues and courtroom testimony.

Medical Examiner's Office plays a big role in Forensic Pathology and recovery of trace evidence.

Mass Fatalities present many challenges to forensic investigators, hear from presenters that have handled these scenes.

Human remains recovery is often a challenge in water. Case presentations will be presented that are best practices to these cases.

New technology in forensic work is also presented.

This is a must course for forensic investigators, supervisors and death investigators. 

Hotel: Double Tree by Hilton, 1900 Pavillion Dr. Virginia Beach, 757-422-8900 Rate: $109 plus taxes per night

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Human Trafficking and Prosecution Seminar

This engaging training will examine human trafficking from an international, national and local prospective.

Dr. Jarrod Sadulski Dr. Sadulski provides speaking and training events in the United States, Europe, and Central America on human trafficking and other criminal justice related topics. With a doctorate in criminal justice, he is a professor of criminal justice for American Military University and has over twenty years of experience in homeland security operations and law enforcement counter-trafficking operations. Jarrod has engaged in speaking events on human trafficking in both 2019 and 2020 at the International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference, which is a conference that includes attendees from forty different countries. He served as a consultant to the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime out of Geneva, Switzerland for their Global Organized Crime Index involving human trafficking. He provides human trafficking presentations internationally for government leaders, has research published in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime World Drug Report, and serves as a consultant on human trafficking for non-government organizations globally. He has conducted human trafficking research in conjunction with INTERPOL, the National Police of Colombia, and has spent years conducting in-country research and humanitarian work in Latin America. This experience has led Jarrod to speaking with trafficking and smuggling victims along with actual human traffickers. This experience led Jarrod to testifying before Congress on November 14, 2023, through the Committee on Homeland Security regarding human trafficking at the Southwest Border. He subsequently testified before the U.S. Senate on July 9th, 2024 and was recognized in the Senate as an expert on human trafficking.

Alicia (Ali) Hopper Ali Hopper is a dedicated advocate in the fight against human trafficking, utilizing her expertise in research, paralegal work, and project management to uncover critical trends. She has contributed to testimony before the U.S. Senate and Congress, sharing insights from her work in data collection and thematic analysis to influence policy decisions. Ali has served as a consultant for U.S. Congressional and U.S. Senate committees six times in the past year regarding her work in counter human trafficking. Traveling across the country, Ali trains law enforcement, parents, and communities on how to combat trafficking, using data gathered from interviews with former traffickers and direct engagement with victims. Her strategies focus on effective prevention and intervention methods. Ali also played a pivotal role in the passage of Florida's anti-grooming legislation, which protects children from exploitation and serves as a model for similar laws nationwide. Her work continues to shape national policy and raise awareness on the urgent issue of human trafficking.

Training Topics The topics in this training include: ➢ Overview of the criminal enterprise of human trafficking. The business model of sex trafficking and how it can be disrupted. ➢ Implications and vulnerabilities for human trafficking and human smuggling for unaccompanied children with data specific for Virginia Beach. ➢ An examination of the psychology of traffickers to include a review of Jarrod and Ali’s interviews with former human traffickers, which reflects the psychology of a human trafficker. ➢ Gangs and organized crime groups involved in human trafficking ➢ The emerging trend of sextortion that the FBI labeled the fastest-growing crime targeting minors and what every parent must know. ➢ Characteristics of stash houses that are commonly used in sex trafficking. An account of a sex trafficker who worked directly in sex trafficking stash house will be discussed. ➢ Communication strategies with trafficking victims from a rehabilitation and trauma informed care perspective. ➢ Specific accounts of trafficking victims will be explained in different case studies. This will reflect the coercion and control traffickers commonly exert on their victims. ➢ Legislation needed to combat human trafficking. The challenges of prosecuting human trafficking cases and how those challenges can be overcome. An assessment of why a greater priority needs to be placed on gang-involved trafficking arrests and prosecutions. ➢ Landmark human trafficking cases from Virginia will be discussed. ➢ Strategies for law enforcement to investigate human trafficking from a skills-based perspective. ➢ Rescue operations to recover sex trafficking victims. Ten questions will be provided that opens a victim to discuss their trafficking situation. ➢ Prevention of trafficking within the community

Class Times: 0800-1500

  • 03/31/2025 Tampa, Fl
  • 04/28/2025 Biloxi, MS
  • 05/05/2025 Daytona Beach, Fl
  • 06/09/2025 Northbrook, Il
  • 07/14/2025 Providence, RI
  • 07/23/2025 Virginia Beach, Va
  • 09/29/2025 Shalimar, Fl
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Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Seminar

Current-day Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, such as Hells Angels, Mongols, Bandidos, Outlaws and Sons of Silence pose a serious national, domestic threat - many mired in drug trafficking and cross-border drug smuggling.

Course Description

Current-day Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, such as Hells Angels, Mongols, Bandidos, Outlaws and Sons of Silence pose a serious national, domestic threat - many mired in drug trafficking and cross-border drug smuggling.

OMG are organizations that use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprise. Data shows many engage themselves in motorcycle thefts, prostitution, money laundering, illegal weapon sales and narcotics.

Understanding the organizational hierarchy is a critical element for successful investigations and prosecution  of associated crimes.

This course is designed to give officers a better understanding of the history, protocol, and activities of OMGs. Instructors will detail recent data that demonstrate ties to transnational criminal cartels .

All areas of law enforcement to include, Patrol officers and Jail/Prison personnel would benefit from this seminar. Investigative divisions for Narcotics and Gangs would benefit from the knowledge shared by the expert presenters in this seminar.

OMG History & Protocol

OMG Trends & Patterns                                                     

Report Writing

OMG Traffic Stops

Case Presentations

OMG CI Cultivation

Expert Testimony

African/American & Multi-racial OMGs

Organized Crime/Cartel involvement

Strategic Outlook


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